Carbon Graphite Block Lubricants & Sealing

The Optimal Solution for Tyre/Roller/Thrust Roller Lubrication
Carbon Graphite Blocks Available in Custom Sizes

Special for Rotary Kilns

High Quality Material

Professional Lubrication

High Resistance

Specially manufactured for rotary kiln tyre, roller, thrust roller, and seals, carbon graphite blocks can sustain efficient lubrication even under extreme loads, owing to their layered chemical structure and direct contact installation.

Crafted for rotary kilns considering factors such as kiln rotation speed, surface hardness of tyre and rollers, and lubrication requirements, our carbon graphite blocks offer uniform and effective lubrication due to their direct contact installation.

We can supply CNC machined graphite blocks tailored for your Iteca or FLS type rotary kiln sealings. All components are manufactured to meet specific material, density, and dimensional requirements, and they are promptly shipped upon completion.

We manufacture high-quality, long-life wear plates using premium graphite blocks with specified density and granule size. All plates are precisely CNC machined according to the provided drawings.

  • Special Product for Rotary Kilns

  • Homogeneous Particle Structure

  • Optimum Performance at High Load and Temperature

  • Designed for Maximum Particle Transfer

  • Careful Quality Control

  • Efficient Even Under Extereme Loads

  • Efficient Over Its Long Life

  • In Requested Design and Dimension